Creating Nostalgia with a Modern Twist

Norman Percevel Rockwell was an American painter and illustrator. His works have a broad popular appeal in the United States for their reflection of American culture. Rockwell is most famous for the cover illustrations of everyday life he created for The Saturday Evening Post magazine over nearly five decades. He is also noted for his 64-year relationship with the Boy Scouts of America, during which he produced covers for their publication Boys' Life, calendars, and other illustrations. These works include popular images that reflect the Scout Oath and Scout Law such as The Scoutmaster, A Scout is Reverent and A Guiding Hand, among many others. Rockwell was a prolific artist, producing more than 4,000 original works in his lifetime. Most of his surviving works are in public collections. (Wikipedia)

Telling Stories: Norman Rockwell
Norman Rockwell Documentary

Photos & Illustrations

     Reimagined Norman Rockwell-Google
     Reimagining of Rockwell’s “Four Freedoms”
     American Art Rockwell Exhibition
     Brooklyn Museum-Rockwell
     Saturday Evening Post Covers
     Saturday Evening Post-Norman Rockwell
     Boy's Life Covers-Norman Rockwell
     Norman Rockwell Museum
     Thanks for the Memories
     Illustration History-Rockwell
     Arts and Culture
     15 Things to Know about NR
     Wikiart-Norman Rockwell
     NR The Problems We All Live With

All Virtual Artful Explorers events are one session (10 am -12:30 pm EST) held on Saturdays. For participants wanting to challenge themselves sketching more of a particular locality or theme, you are welcome to do the EXTENSION SKETCH PROJECT below:

Norman Rockwell Reimagined Extension Sketch Project
(a) Saturday Evening Post Cover Reimagined
(b) Rosie the Riveter Reimagined
(c) The Four Freedom Reimagined
(d) Childhood Reimagined
(e)Thanksgiving Dinner Reimagined

*Please post your finished sketches to the Artful Explorers Facebook site. Be sure to add event title, your name, and the date.

Note: Artful Explorers are invited to follow the Facebook Page to stay up to date with events and announcements and to post their artworks to the Facebook Group, Instagram and Twitter using #ArtfulExplorers***************************************
Facilitators of Artful Explorers:
  • Theresa Smith
  • Elizabeth Birkby
  • Lynda Greeley (Mama Bear)
  • Cecilia Evasco (Maricel)
  • Dina Schlesinger
  • Michael Skelly
  • Sherli  Looli
  • Carole Moon
  • Emily Moon
  • Georgia John
Web site design by Cecilia Evasco
for Artful Explorers for November 19, 2022

Upcoming: Sketchers' Holiday

Norman Rockwell Reimagined imageNorman Rockwell Reimagined image